Beachcomber - a free game


Once you have registered, you can go to the beach to get curios.

The Beach:
Click the image and see if you find anything. If you do, you will have an option to take it. You can also get items from the recycling table.

Items you collect:
Items you collect go into your pockets. You are allowed only five items in your pockets.
Once cleaned, you can move them to a collection, which frees up space to take a new item.

You can also discard one item a day to the recycle table, where any other player can pick it up.

Cleaning Items
An item is cleaned by people viewing it. Using the code from your pockets page, post the item on your webpages, blog, forum signature or in places where people will see it. Be careful - with rough handling (too many views), it will break.

Items are easy to clean, but if you need a hand there's a cleaning room on pethatchery where people can give you a hand: Cleaning Room

Discussing the game
For the latest on the game, stop by The Cafe, a forum where you can discuss the game or get the latest updates.


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In Alpha